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Hi, welcome to my blog. It is hard to describe who I am as I have dabbled in many things, and yet I can't say I am an expert in any.

In the earlier times I was a researcher in system modelling, which is the study of building mathematical models for real world processes. It has remained my main passion. It is likely I will talk about this subject the most on this blog. I also enjoy making things pretty, therefore I do things like creating fonts, designing UI and making mobile apps. Hopefully I will have something interesting and nice to look at for whoever come across this blog.

02 June 2020

Running RAPIDS

In this post, I am going to give a brief introduction of RAPIDS, a suite of libraries for running machine learning algorithms on GPUs, as well as some codes for a MinMaxScaler.

23 May 2020

Gaussian Noise and Gaussing Filter in Image Processing

In this post, I am going to introduce the Gaussian noise and Gaussian filter.

22 April 2020

Adding Comments to Your GitHub Page Using AWS Lambda

In this post, I am going to show you how to add a comment system on a GitHub page using AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway and GitHub REST API

16 February 2020

Maximum A Posteriori Estimator (MAP) vs Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE)

In this post, I am going to discuss the intuition behind these two estimators.

08 September 2019

Building a Simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in PyTorch

In this tutorial, I am going to walk through the necessary steps of building a CNN model in PyTorch.